Archive for August, 2013

Bicycle Painting

I taught a class this week on bicycle safety and maintenance for our local homeschooling group. The kids had fun and learned a lot and at the end of the class we made a painting with the kids’ bicycle tires.




Field Day!

Last week we got together with our homeschool group and had Field Day! I remember Field Day was one of my favorite school activities when I was a kid.

For ours we had four teams, Red, Blue, Yellow and Green. For some of the activities the teams were divided into Bigs and Littles.

Activities were:
Bean Bag Balance
Three Legged Race
Ping Pong Ball Blow
Egg Walk
Tug of War

Cady and her friend ready for the race 🙂


Topper blowing the ping pong ball.


Cady kept wanting to give up but she did make it across eventually.


And then the Dads got in on the ball-blowing fun.


Afterwards we feasted on hot dogs, baked beans, Mac n cheese, chips and team color cupcakes. We had a great time. The kids are got little medals to take home. I was surprised when Topper got competitive during the tug of war and an older brother jumped in to tell his younger brother to “PULL!”. He got right in his face just like a Drill SGT. Hilarious, I love homeschoolers.

The Coolest Park Ever

Germany has some amazing playgrounds for kids. Our new neighborhood has a bunch of themed playgrounds that are CLEAN, and well maintained. This particular one is my favorite. It’s called the Race Track park which I think works I guess although I’d name it something different and make the miniature roads more of a feature because that is my favorite part.

The mini roads and road signs are too adorable and are the perfect size for Cady on her balance bike

Like lots of German playgrounds there is a hammock 🙂 I love when the playgrounds have these. Especially when we are there in the middle of a school day and the playground is empty. I can hang out in a hammock and read while the kids play.


We wandered away a little bit and the kids ate some blackberries off a bush they found 🙂


One last shot of the park and Topper’s bike.


I really wanted to use this park for my co-op bicycle class next week but since we are using some paint and making a mess we need to stay away from the pretty park.

Well none of THAT happened.

I just read my last blog post from June again. The move didn’t go as planned, we had family visiting right up until the moving truck arrived and to top it all off we discovered that we were expecting our third child right before family arrived in Germany. (Exciting, but not great timing)

So, needless to say nothing we had planned for this summer has gone according to plan. We haven’t started the new school year yet since we went almost a month with no mailing address and our school books have yet to arrive. It also turns out that my worst pregnant symptom is extreme exhaustion, so I’m pretty much worthless right now.

We have done some traveling and participated in summer co-op in our new home so I will just photobomb the rest of this blog post. Enjoy.




